Saturday, May 23, 2020

Predicción temporada huracanes 2019 y cómo informarse

Segà ºn las à ºltimas predicciones, la temporada de huracanes de 2019 para la cuenca Atlà ¡ntica tendrà ¡ un nà ºmero de tormentas tropicales y huracanes considerado normal. Puntos clave: huracanes 2019 en la cuenca Atlà ¡ntica La temporada de huracanes corre del 1 de junio al 30 de noviembre.En 2019 se esperan al menos tres huracanes de categorà ­a 3 o superior.Telà ©fono de FEMA: 800–621–3362.En algunos casos, es posible recuperar el dinero de vacaciones canceladas por un huracà ¡n. En 2019, se esperan 12 tormentas tropicales con vientos superiores a 39 millas por hora y cinco huracanes, de los cuales tres podrà ­an alanzar las 111 millas por hora y, por lo tanto, superar el nivel 3 en la escala Saffir–Simpson. Esas son las à ºltimas predicciones efectuadas por la Administracià ³n Nacional Oceà ¡nica y Atmosfà ©rica (NOAA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), la Universidad de Colorado y el Tropical Storm Risk. Por otra parte, Por otra parte, la Weather Company, propiedad de IBM, y la Universidad de Carolina del Norte estiman que la temporada de huracanes 2019 en el Atlà ¡ntico serà ¡ muy poco mà ¡s activa que las predicciones seà ±aladas anteriormente, ya que prevà ©n que habrà ¡ mà ¡s tormentas tropicales y, posiblemente, entre cinco y siete huracanes. Sin embargo, coinciden con las predicciones anteriores al prever solo entre dos o tres los huracanes que superarà ¡n el nivel 3. Cuà ¡les son las zonas de EE.UU. que pueden verse afectadas por un huracà ¡n En los Estados Unidos,  los huracanes afectan principalmente a tres à ¡reas: Golfo de Mà ©xico: Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi y la costa occidental de FloridaEstados atlà ¡nticos sureà ±os:  Florida, Georgia, Carolina del Sur y Carolina del Norte.Caribe, incluyendo el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico y las Islas Và ­rgenes Americanas. Aunque no se puede descartar que afecte duramente a otros estados, por ejemplo, Sandy en 2012, que golpeà ³ duramente al estado de Nueva York. Por otro lado, a diferencia de lo que ocurre en otros paà ­ses,  es muy raro que los huracanes toquen tierra en los estados estadounidenses del Pacà ­fico. Por ejemplo, desde 1900 sà ³lo dos tormentas tropicales tocaron California.   Lo mismo puede decirse del archipià ©lago de Hawaii que no ha registrado ciclones tropicales desde los aà ±os 50. Sin embargo, son mucho mà ¡s frecuentes y daà ±inos en Mà ©xico. Cà ³mo estar informado sobre un huracà ¡n que se acerca y refugio para indocumentados Si hay una tormenta tropical o un huracà ¡n con posibilidad de acercarse a las costas de Estados Unidos es imposible no enterarse, ya que la noticia es seguida detalladamente por todos los medios de comunicacià ³n, tanto en inglà ©s como en espaà ±ol, como por ejemplo en las cadenas de televisià ³n Telemundo y Televisa. Para informacià ³n sobre quà © hacer, un buen lugar es la pà ¡gina web de la Cruz Roja americana. Tambià ©n  la pà ¡gina oficial del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, para obtener datos sobre cà ³mo prepararse y la Agencia Federal de Manejo de Emergencias, tambià ©n conocida por las siglas de FEMA y que tiene informacià ³n en espaà ±ol. En los à ºltimos aà ±os se ha producido una gran controversia sobre si era seguro para los migrantes indocumentados solicitar ayuda en bancos de alimentos y refugiarse en albergues  en situaciones de desastre natural producido por un huracà ¡n. Tanto ICE como la Patrulla Fronteriza ,hasta el momento, han declarado que no harà ­an detenciones en esos lugares, si bien conviene informarse a travà ©s de medios confiables. La mayorà ­a de refugios no dependen de ningà ºn tipo de gobierno, ni del federal, ni del estatal ni de la municipalidad. Y en refugios administrados por comunidades locales, la Cruz Roja, iglesias, etc no pregunta a ninguna persona por estatus migratorio. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que los retenes de control de estatus migratorio sà ­ pueden estar abiertos e ICE ha advertido en los à ºltimos aà ±os que puede arrestar a migrantes indocumentados detectados en dichos controles.  ¿Quà © hacer si se tienen planeadas las vacaciones en à ©poca de huracanes? Si el lugar planeado para las vacaciones se encuentra en una zona afectada por huracanes, es recomendable reservar en un hotel con garantà ­a  de reintegrar el dinero en caso de huracà ¡n categorà ­a 1 o superior. Como por ejemplo en la cadena Starwood Hotels Resorts que incluye marcas conocidas como Aloft, Le Meridien, Sheraton, St. Regis, W y Westin. Comprar un seguro de viaje  que cubra esta posibilidad. Sà ³lo se reintegrarà ¡ la cantidad asegurada. Como regla general se requiere que se compre  al menos 24 horas  antes de que se asigne nombre a una tormenta tropical. Nombres de tormentas tropicales y huracanes temporada 2019 La Organizacià ³n Metereolà ³gica Mundial es la encargada de dar nombre a las tormentas tropicales y huracanes, alternando nombres de varà ³n y de mujer. Para la temporada de 2019 que comienza oficialmente el 1 de junio y se extiende al 30 de noviembre, los nombres adjudicados son los siguientes: ​​AndreaBarryChantalDorianErinFernandGabrielleHumbertoImeldaJerryKarenLorenzoMelissaNestorOlgaPabloRebekahSebastienTanyaVanWendy Los huracanes mà ¡s mortales  en la historia de los Estados Unidos Estos son los cinco huracanes que se consideran que han  sido los mà ¡s mortales en EE.UU.: En primer lugar, el huracà ¡n de Galveston, Texas, de 1900, que dejà ³ entre 8.000 y 12.000 muertos. El segundo lugar, lo ocuparà ­a el huracà ¡n Marà ­a, que golpeà ³ duramente Puerto Rico en 2017. Segà ºn un estudio de la Universidad de Harvard, el nà ºmero de fallecidos directa e indirectamente asciende a 4645, a pesar de que el nà ºmero oficial y directo es de 64 và ­ctimas mortales. El tercer huracà ¡n que causà ³ mà ¡s muertes es el Okeechobee, tambià ©n conocido como San Felipe Segundo, que dejà ³ 2.500 fallecidos en Puerto Rico y Florida. El cuarto lugar lo ocupan los huracanes de la temporada de 1893. El sexto, que golpeà ³ Savannah, Georgia, y dejà ³ 2.000 fallecidos. Finalmente, el huracà ¡n Katrina en  2005 dejà ³ 1.500 muertos.. Aunque cuando tocà ³ tierra en Louisiana ya era categorà ­a 3, lo cierto es que su daà ±o fue causado no tanto por la fortaleza del viento sino por la gran extensià ³n afectada por vientos fuertes continuos. El gran desastre se produjo cuando se rompieron los diques en el rà ­o Mississippi y el 80 por ciento de la ciudad de Nueva Orleà ¡ns se inundà ³, quedando sumergida en algunos puntos. Huracanes mà ¡s costosos en historia de Estados Unidos Los cinco huracanes mà ¡s costosos son los siguientes: Harvey, que golpeà ³ Texas en 2017: 125 mil millones de dà ³lares  Katrina, que tocà ³ tierra en Louisiana en 2005: 100 mil millones de dà ³laresMarà ­a, que arrasà ³ Puerto Rico en 2017: 90 mil millones de dà ³laresSandy, que afectà ³ en 2012 a 24 estados y golpeà ³ duramente Nueva York: 70 mil millones de dà ³laresIrma, que causà ³ daà ±o en 2017 en Islas Và ­rgenes Americanas, Puerto Rico y Florida: 50 mil millones de dà ³lares. De los cinco huracanes mà ¡s daà ±inos desde el punto de vista econà ³mico, tres se produjeron en 2017. Para estar informado a la à ºltima en predicciones sobre la temporada de huracanes, se puede consultar la pà ¡gina oficial en espaà ±ol del tiempo y customizarla segà ºn el lugar en el que se reside o al que se planea viajar. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald - 1331 Words

Wilma Rudolph, an American track and field sprinter, once said, â€Å"Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us† (â€Å"Wilma Rudolph Quote.†). The Great Gatsby starts off with the narrator Nick Carraway who is a nice young gentleman from the Midwest. He moves to the Midwest where he meets his neighbor James Gatz also know as, Jay Gatsby. Jay throws many lavish parties for Daisy, his longtime love that left him before the war. Gatsby sets up a tea date for Daisy at Nick’s house where Gatsby stops by. This leads to many days of Daisy stopping by and hanging out with Gatsby. Daisy never fully commits to Gatsby, but she gets his hopes up as long as it lasts. Her husband Tom has had many affairs with other women. One day Tom, Daisy, Nick, Gatsby, and Daisy’s friend, Jordan all go to the Plaza Hotel. Things get heated and Daisy leaves wit h Gatsby and accidently runs over Tom’s mistress, Myrtle. Tom tells, Myrtle’s husband, George that Gatsby was the one who killed Myrtle. He goes to Gatsby’s house and kills him then kills himself. The story ends with only three people showing up to Gatsby’s funeral and Nick moving back to the Midwest. In William Faulkner’s novel, The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is great. Gatsby is a great man because he is optimistic and passionate about Daisy. Today ladies dream of a guy that is as passionate about them as Gatsby is about Daisy. SomeShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1393 Words   |  6 PagesF. Scott Fitzgerald was the model of the American image in the nineteen twenties. He had wealth, fame, a beautiful wife, and an adorable daughter; all seemed perfect. Beneath the gilded faà §ade, however, was an author who struggled with domestic and physical difficulties that plagued his personal life and career throughout its short span. This author helped to launch the theme that is so prevalent in his work; the human instinct to yearn for more, into the forefront of American literature, where itRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1343 Words   |  6 PagesHonors English 10 Shugart 18 Decemeber 2014 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald s 1925 novel The Great Gatsby is a tragic love story, a mystery, and a social commentary on American life. The Great Gatsby is about the lives of four wealthy characters observed by the narrator, Nick Carroway. Throughout the novel a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby throws immaculate parties every Saturday night in hope to impress his lost lover, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby lives in a mansion on West Egg across from DaisyRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1155 Words   |  5 PagesThe Great Gatsby The Jazz Age was an era where everything and anything seemed possible. It started with the beginning of a new age with America coming out of World War I as the most powerful nation in the world (Novel reflections on, 2007). As a result, the nation soon faced a culture-shock of material prosperity during the 1920’s. Also known as the â€Å"roaring twenties†, it was a time where life consisted of prodigality and extravagant parties. Writing based on his personal experiences, author F. ScottRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1166 Words   |  5 Pagesin the Haze F. Scott Fitzgerald lived in a time that was characterized by an unbelievable lack of substance. After the tragedy and horrors of WWI, people were focused on anything that they could that would distract from the emptiness that had swallowed them. Tangible greed tied with extreme materialism left many, by the end of this time period, disenchanted. The usage of the literary theories of both Biographical and Historical lenses provide a unique interpretation of the Great Gatsby centered aroundRead MoreThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald845 Words   |  3 PagesIn F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, colors represent a variety of symbols that relate back to the American Dream. The dream of being pure, innocent and perfect is frequently associated with the reality of corruption, violence, and affairs. Gatsby’s desire for achieving the American Dream is sought for through corruption (Schneider). The American Dream in the 1920s was perceived as a desire of w ealth and social standings. Social class is represented through the East Egg, the WestRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay970 Words   |  4 Pagesrespecting and valuing Fitzgerald work in the twenty-first century? Fitzgerald had a hard time to profiting from his writing, but he was not successful after his first novel. There are three major point of this essay are: the background history of Fitzgerald life, the comparisons between Fitzgerald and the Gatsby from his number one book in America The Great Gatsby, and the Fitzgerald got influences of behind the writing and being a writer. From childhood to adulthood, Fitzgerald faced many good andRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald2099 Words   |  9 Pagesauthor to mirror his life in his book. In his previous novels F. Scott Fitzgerald drew from his life experiences. He said that his next novel, The Great Gatsby, would be different. He said, â€Å"In my new novel I’m thrown directly on purely creative work† (F. Scott Fitzgerald). He did not realize or did not want it to appear that he was taking his own story and intertwining it within his new novel. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, he imitates his lifestyle through the Buchanan family to demonstrateRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1607 Words   |  7 Pages The Great Gatsby is an American novel written in 1925 by F. Scott Fitzgerald. One of the themes of the book is the American Dream. The American Dream is an idea in which Americans believe through hard work they can achieve success and prosperity in the free world. In F. Scott Fitzgerald s novel, The Great Gatsby, the American Dream leads to popularity, extreme jealousy and false happiness. Jay Gatsby’s recent fortune and wealthiness helped him earn a high social position and become one of the mostRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1592 Words   |  7 PagesMcGowan English 11A, Period 4 9 January 2014 The Great Gatsby Individuals who approach life with an optimistic mindset generally have their goals established as their main priority. Driven by ambition, they are determined to fulfill their desires; without reluctance. These strong-minded individuals refuse to be influenced by negative reinforcements, and rely on hope in order to achieve their dreams. As a man of persistence, the wealthy Jay Gatsby continuously strives to reclaim the love of hisRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1646 Words   |  7 PagesThe 1920s witnessed the death of the American Dream, a message immortalized in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Initially, the American Dream represented the outcome of American ideals, that everyone has the freedom and opportunity to achieve their dreams provided they perform honest hard work. During the 1920s, the United States experienced massive economic prosperity making the American Dream seem alive and strong. However, in Fitzgerald’s eyes, the new Am erican culture build around that

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Benefits and Influence of Music Free Essays

Nowadays, music is very popular for teen and all ages. Some people like to listen Classic music and other like RB or hip hop. It depend on their interesting. We will write a custom essay sample on Benefits and Influence of Music or any similar topic only for you Order Now Even many people like music, but it still has advantages and disadvantages also. First of all, I would like to talk about the advantages of music. There are many advantages, but I’ll tell you more details about that. First point, the music can make us feel relieve. Sometimes, when you get in the moody. You can take out your mp3 and listen to it, you will be feel relieve. The music such as hip hop or RB can help you to get in the good mood again. Second point, music can make us feel more comfortable. When you listen the romantic music, you such a kind of dreaming or you feel that you can fly and get the romantic feeling. So your feeling more comfortable and being happy all the time. Third point, music can reduce your stresses all the time. When you stress, you listening music or do other activity in order to reduce your stresses step by step. You can listening hip hop music, it’s help you smile. This is the last point of listening music, music can bring us in to one society by the meaning of the song. For example, you are listening to the Americana’s song ( Dead and Gone), you can learn about the society in America. What happened in that or somethings beside this. Also you can improve your listening skill by listen the English song too. However music has many advantages, but it’s also has disadvantages too. Listening music waste a lot money. When the singer show up or release new album, you always spend your money to buy it every time they release. If they release 100 different new album, Would you buy all this album? That’s why I can say music waste a lot of money. On the other hands, music waste our time too. When you are addicted in to music. You always sit and listening to it without doing anything. You just sit and listen. You don’t go out and do your work. Besides that, If you listen too much time and put your headset every time. You will have problem with your ear. You will spend much money or time to treat it. Totally, every things always have advantages and disadvantages. But if you get the information about this already. You should reduce your listening habit step by step. Benefits and influence of music Music gives different meaning to everyone. Music is a combination of art form from different elements of melody, harmony, rhythm and genre. Music acts as an influence, past time, hobby and passion. From classical to jazz, pop, rock, RB, hip hop or even devotional songs, music affect different people in many different way. That is why we can see nowadays some people who are enthusiastic about music even attribute themselves and their talents into music professions. Music touches our soul and allows us to express different moods and emotions. Therefore, music has many roles that affect everyone’s life. Listening to certain songs usually triggers to certain emotions linked to that song. As for me, I would listen to various sorts of songs to cheer my mood up. And seriously, life without music would be very dull. Have you ever heard of the saying, â€Å"hooked on the feeling? ’’. Well, it really happens. For example, during festive seasons like Christmas, many people will put on Christmas songs because this will help them to stay on the state of euphoria all month long and bring back their childhood memories of Christmas. Therefore, music also plays a very crucial ole in overall development of an individual. It can take the mind and body to do spontaneous things either good or bad, depends on the type of music a person is listening to and it message contains. For instance, when someone is listening to sad songs related to their love or life, the listener will be highly in touch with that song connected with their emotions. Likewise, when another person is listening to a heavy metal songs, they might inhibited violated act or aggressive behavior as rock songs bring about rebellion and agitation influence. However, for some people, listening to this type of songs is their way of expressing anger and relieve from pain. Well, it’s actually depends on that person himself on how they interact and influence by the music. How to cite Benefits and Influence of Music, Papers

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Power Factor free essay sample

Power factor: The power factor of an AC electric power system is defined as the ratio of the real power flowing to the load to the apparent power, and is a dimensionless number between O and 1 (frequently expressed as a percentage, e. g. 0. 5 pf= 50% pf). Real power is the capacity of the circuit for performing work in a particular time. Apparent power is the product of the current and voltage of the circuit. Due to energy stored in the load and returned to the source, or due to a non-linear load that distorts the wave shape of the current drawn from the source, the apparent power will be greater han the real power. In an electric power system, a load with low power factor draws more current than a load with a high power factor for the same amount of useful power transferred. The higher currents increase the energy lost in the distribution system, and require larger wires and other equipment. Because of the costs of larger equipment and wasted energy, electrical utilities will usually charge a higher cost to industrial or commercial costumers where there is a low power factor Linear loads with low power factor (such as induction motors) can be corrected with a passive network of capacitors or inductors. Non-linear loads, such as rectifiers, distort the current drawn from the system. In such cases, active or passive power factor correction may be used to counteract the distortion and raise the power factor. The devices for correction of the power factor may be at a central substation, spread out over a distribution system, or built into power-consuming equipment. Contents 1 Power factor in linear circuits 0 1. 1 Definition and calculation 0 1. 2 Power factor correction of linear loads 2 Non-linear loads 0 2. 1 Non-sinusoidal components 0 2. Switched-mode power supplies 0 2. Power factor correction in non-linear loads 2. 3. 1 passive PFC 2. 3. 2 Active PFC 3 Importance of power factor in distribution systems factor 5 Mnemonics 6 References 7 External links Power factor in linear circuits 4 Measuring power In a purely resistive AC circuit, voltage and current waveforms are in step (or in phase), changing polarity at the same instant in each cycle. All the power entering inductors, ener gy storage in the loads result in a time difference between the current and voltage waveforms. During each cycle of the AC voltage, extra energy, in addition o any energy consumed in the load, is temporarily stored in the load in electric or magnetic fields, and then returned to the power grid a fraction of a second later in the cycle. The ebb and flow of this nonproductive power increases the current in the line. Thus, a circuit with a low power factor will use higher currents to transfer a given quantity of real power than a circuit with a high power factor. A linear load does not change the shape of the waveform of the current, but may change the relative timing (phase) between voltage and current. Circuits containing purely esistive heating elements (filament lamps, strip heaters, cooking stoves, etc. ) have a power factor of 1. 0. Circuits containing inductive or capacitive elements (electric motors, solenoid valves, lamp ballasts, and others) often have a power factor below Definition and calculation AC power flow has the three components: real power (Active power) (P), measured in watts (W); apparent power (S), measured in volt-amperes (VA); and reactive power (Q), measured in reactive volt-amperes (var). The power factor is defined as: [pic] In the case of a perfectly sinusoidal waveform, P, Q and S can be expressed as ectors that form a vector triangle such that: [pic] If cp is the phase angle between the current and voltage, then the power factor is equal to the cosine of the angle, [pic], and: [pic] Since the units are consistent, the power factor is by definition a dimensionless number between O and 1 . When power factor is equal to O, the energy flow is entirely reactive, and stored energy in the load returns to the source on each cycle. When the power factor is 1, all the energy supplied by the source is consumed by the load. Power factors are usually stated as leading or lagging to show the ign of the phase angle. If a purely resistive load is connected toa power supply, current and voltage will change polarity in step, the power factor will be unity (1), and the electrical energy flows in a single direction across the network in each cycle. Inductive loads such as transformers and motors (any type of wound coil) consume reactive power with current waveform lagging the voltage. Capacitive loads such as capacitor banks or buried cable generate reactive power with current phase leading the voltage. Both types of loads will absorb energy during part of the AC cycle, which s stored in the devices magnetic or electric field, only to return this energy back to the source during the rest of the cycle. For example, to get 1 kW of real power, if the power factor is unity, 1 kVAof apparent power needs to be transferred (1 kW 1 † 1 kVA). At low values of power factor, more apparent power needs to be transferred to get the same real power. To get 1 kW of real power at 0. 2 power factor, 5 WA of apparent power needs to be transferred (1 kW + 0. 2 = 5 kVA). This apparent power must be produced and transmitted to the load in the conventional fashion, and is ubject to the usual distributed losses in the production and transmission processes. Electrical loads consuming alternating current power consume both real power and reactive power. The vector sum of real and reactive power is the apparent power. The power, and so, the electric load has a power factor of less than 1 . Power factor correction of linear loads It is often desirable to adjust the power factor of a system to near 1. 0. This power factor correction (PFC) is achieved by switching in or out banks of inductors or capacitors. For example the inductive effect of motor loads may be offset by locally onnected capacitors. When reactive elements supply or absorb reactive power near the load, the apparent power is reduced. Power factor correction may be applied by an electrical power transmission utility to improve the stability and efficiency of the transmission network. Correction equipment may be installed by individual electrical customers to reduce the costs charged to them by their electricity supplier. A high power factor is generally desirable in a transmission system to reduce transmission losses and improve voltage regulation at the load. Power factor correction brings the ower factor of an AC power circuit closer to 1 by supplying reactive power of opposite sign, adding capacitors or inductors which act to cancel the inductive or capacitive effects of the load, respectively.